Vigor Industrial’s Portland, Ore., shipyard this week delivered the second in a series of 102'x38'x11' towboats to Vancouver, Wash.-based Tidewater Transportation and Terminals.

Designed by CT Marine, Edgecomb, Maine, the new “environmentally friendly” Granite Point is powered by a pair of Tier 3 Caterpillar 3516C main engines, each rated at 2,240 hp at 1,600 rpm. The Cats spin matching Reintjes WAF873 reverse-reduction gears with 7.455:1 reduction ratios and 92"×100" fixed-pitch, 5-bladed stainless-steel propellers in CT28 kort nozzles. The engines are connected to the gears by Centalink torsional couplings. 

The new towboat is a sistership to the Crown Point, which was named one of WorkBoat magazine’s Significant Boats of 2015. A third towboat, Ryan Point, is currently under construction at Vigor.

Ship’s service power comes from two Cat C7.1 Tier 3 generator sets, each sparking 200 kW at 1,800 rpm. 

These boats operate on a river system that stretches 465 miles and specializes in high winds and extreme currents. To facilitate safe and efficient operations in these conditions, the boats have enhanced steering systems with four free-hanging steering rudders and four free-hanging flanking rudders. 

Marc Schwartz, Tidewater’s maintenance and engineering manager said in a statement announcing the delivery that the Granite Point performed “exactly as we wanted it to during its river trials earlier this month. We are ready for the Granite Point to team up with Tidewater’s current fleet of 16 towboats to provide our customers with the highest quality river transportation”

The new boat is also quiet in keeping with the company’s focus on crew comfort and endurance. Noise Control Engineers, Billerica, Mass., developed the sound and vibration control package that includes Christie & Grey engine mounts and comprehensive acoustic insulation. Noise levels register at less than 60 dB in the accommodations areas during vessel operations.

“The up-front work paid off,” Tidewater’s CEO Bob Curio said in a statement. “The vessels are fuel efficient, ecologically responsible and are giving our captains and crews exactly what they’d asked for.”

Deck machinery includes seven Patterson WWP 65E-7.5, 65-ton electric winches with pilothouse remote controls and local push-button control stations on the main deck. Each winch is wrapped with Samson 1 3/8" Turbo 75 synthetic line. 

Schuyler Rubber Co., Woodinville, Wash., provided fendering for the push knees and D-rubber for around the perimeter.

Variable frequency drives were used for all major rotating machinery applications to minimize power consumption. LED lighting is employed for both interior and exterior applications. 

Engine room fire protection is provided by a Kidde NOVEC 1230 suppression system. 

In the wheelhouse, floor-to-ceiling windows all around provide enhanced visibility, a trademark design feature from CT Marine.

Ken Hocke has been the senior editor of WorkBoat since 1999. He was the associate editor of WorkBoat from 1997 to 1999. Prior to that, he was the editor of the Daily Shipping Guide, a transportation daily in New Orleans. He has written for other publications including The Times-Picayune. He graduated from Louisiana State University with an arts and sciences degree, with a concentration in English, in 1978.