In preparation for the 2021 International WorkBoat Show, WorkBoat Magazine Publisher and IWBS Event Director Bob Callahan stopped by the Morial Convention Center in downtown New Orleans to get a sense of how the venue was preparing for upcoming events.

He also visited a few of the important establishments and activity centers around New Orleans to discover how they’ve fared in light of all the things that have changed since the last edition of IWBS.

What he found was a venue and city that was already preparing for upcoming events along with the New Orleans energy that everyone has come to expect when they come together for what has become a maritime industry tradition.

This December, the industry’s most innovative suppliers and vendors are set to transform the Morial Convention Center exhibition hall while the city of New Orleans is more than ready to provide visitors with experiences they can only have in the Big Easy. That’s not something we need to tell you though, it’s something we can show you via the video below.

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