There is a lot said on marine diesel injection systems, but it often seems there are no solutions available, due to the coexistence of all-makes older and newer engines. Indeed, repairing and preventing injection issues is what this White Paper, presented by Jaltest Marine Diagnostics, is all about.

The most relevant diesel injection systems are described with simplicity, as well as the importance of electronic control modules in the engine’s operation and how we need to take advantage from diagnostics tools for a correct mechanical and electronic maintenance.

Essential functionalities are exposed so the technician is able to address and solve every problem, going to the core of the matter.

This whitepaper provides details on the following: 

  • Marine diesel injection systems – a breakdown of the system most relevant components.
  • Introduction of electronic control units.
  • Essential functionalities.
  • Practical examples.
  • Diagnostic tools and diesel injection systems.

This White Paper will be valuable to everybody involved in the maintenance process: independent repair technicians/shops/companies, mobile repair, official dealers, surveyors, yacht & commercial owners, marinas, shipyards, public/military sector, …

Fill out the form below to download the whitepaper for more information

For more information about Cojali USA, you can visit or reach them via email at [email protected] or telephone at (305) 960-7651.

Author. Cojali USA, manufacturer of Jaltest Marine, has 30 years of experience manufacturing parts and proprietary diagnostics, leading the all-makes industry.