At present, the Seamen's Church Institute (SCI) offers two options for captains calling on Port Newark (N.J.) who are interested in arranging Covid vaccines for their crew:

1. SCI is partnering with a local pharmacy to perform Johnson & Johnson one-and-done vaccinations for international seafarers. We can manage appointment scheduling as well as provide complimentary transportation to and from the pharmacy for the crew. If necessary, we will transport seafarers on the same ship in two shifts to support vessel coverage.
Customs and Border Protection (CBP) requires possession of C1/D1 VISAs to leave the port for vaccinations. Our Center for Mariner Advocacy leaders are working with the CBP in support of a waiver of this requirement for Covid vaccinations. However, at this time, seafarers without proper visas are not eligible for transportation.

2. We keep a current list of physicians and clinics willing and able to perform onboard vaccinations. We are deeply committed to doing everything possible to facilitate those visits including providing a TWIC escort from the terminal guardhouse to the vessel. Vessel visits allow the entire crew to be vaccinated at once, regardless of visa status, and last approximately two hours. 

Because of the evolving nature of the program, we have created an online information hub with timely instructions for captains, port captains and shipping agents. The hub is located on the Seafarer Services portal on our website and will be updated regularly.


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