On a blustery Feb. 15 afternoon on the Mississippi River in New Orleans, Turn Services christened the refurbished 120'x35'x10'6" towboat American Pharoah. Naming its boats after Thoroughbred racehorses, especially Triple Crown winners, is a company tradition. The company has had to name some of its boats after famous horses who were not Triple Crown winners because the number of Turn Services towboats (23) is greater than the number of Triple Crown winners (12). (American Pharoah is the only horse to win the Kentucky Derby, Preakness Stakes, Belmont Stakes and the Breeders Cup Classic in the same year.) As Turn Services’ director, David Fennelly, told the crowd that gathered for the christening, “The way we’re growing, horse racing needs to get more Triple Crown winners.”

The new towboat is dedicated to James Buky. Ken Hocke photo
The steel-hulled boat, which has a net tonnage of 258 and a gross tonnage of 380.75, was built at Hillman Barge & Construction, Brownsville, Pa., and refurbished at Florida Marine Shipyard & Repair, Harvey, La. Main propulsion for the inland pushboat comes from a pair of Caterpillar 3516 diesel engines, producing 2,199 hp at 1,600 rpm each. The Cats spin 97"x80", 4-bladed stainless steel Avondale Shipyard props through Reintjes WAF873 gears with 3.47:1 reduction ratios from Karl Senner.
Though the boat is named after a great horse, it is dedicated to the company’s senior vice president of sales and logistics, James Buky. Buky joined Turn Services in 2008 after many years at American Commercial Barge Line, rising to the position of senior vice president of sales and marketing.

American Pharoah wins the 2015 Belmont Stakes, clinching the Triple Crown. NYRA/Adam Coglianese photo.
“[Buky] is an icon, a rock star in this industry,” Mario Munoz, Turn Services’ president, said in his remarks. “Fifty-two years in the industry, and he’s still at the top of his game.”
Capacities include 73,962 gals. of fuel; 6,333 gals. water; and 1,008 gals. lube oil. American Pharoah carries an eight-person crew and features a Marine Engine Control 30428 control system.