St. Johns Ship Building, Palatka, Fla., announced earlier this year that it signed a contract with Seapath for construction of a series of six ABS-certified deck barges in support of its Jones Act leasing business. The barges will be dispatched to multiple charterers along the U.S. East Coast.

“Domestic maritime transportation is the backbone of the U.S. transportation system,” Joshua Lubarsky, CEO of Seapath, said in a statement announcing the new contract. “By launching our new Jones Act leasing business, Seapath is proud to support vital maritime transportation needs.”

“Building these ABS deck barges for Seapath's Jones Act leasing business is a testament to St. Johns Ship Building’s capabilities and versatility” said Joe Rella, St Johns Ship Building’s president. “We are proud to support Seapath with the highest quality Jones Act compliant vessels to support their customers’ needs.”

Seapath is one of Libra Group’s maritime subsidiary dedicated to advancing critical maritime infrastructure.

No specifications were released.