The staff of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has prepared a final environmental impact statement (EIS) for projects proposed by Freeport LNG. FERC staff concluded that if the proposed projects are approved, constructed and operated, it would result in mostly temporary and short-term environmental impacts.

The proposed Phase II Modification Project includes modification to the previously authorized, but not constructed liquefied natural gas (LNG) vessel berthing dock, LNG transfer pipelines, LNG unloading arms and the access road system. But the project does not include construction of some components of the previously authorized Phase II Project, including vaporization equipment that was approved to increase the Quintana Island terminal's sendout capacity.??

The Liquefaction Project would produce a total of 13.2 million MT per annum for export, which equates to a total liquefaction capacity of 1.8 billion cu. ft. per day of natural gas. Liquefaction Project consists of the liquefaction plant, the pretreatment plant and the pipeline/utility line system, together with the associated appurtenant structures. 

The Liquefaction Plant would consist of three propane pre-cooled mixed refrigerant liquefaction trains and appurtenant facilities to support liquefaction adjacent to the existing Quintana Island terminal.?? In support of the Liquefaction Plant, Freeport LNG proposes to construct a natural gas pretreatment plant located about 2.5 miles north of the existing Quintana Island terminal. The pretreatment plant would process the gas for liquefaction. In addition, the pipeline/utility line system consists of several interconnecting pipelines and utility lines, including a 5-mile, 12"diameter boil-off gas pipeline from the terminal to the pretreatment plant.??

Although FERC staff concludes that the proposed Projects would result in mostly temporary and short-term environmental impacts, the Projects would result in some adverse environmental impacts. The impacts would not be significant except for the traffic and noise impacts on the residents of the Town of Quintana, Texas, during construction. FERC said the principal reasons for the decision include:?

  • The site of the Liquefaction Plant would be an expansion of an existing, operating LNG import terminal with existing LNG storage tanks and berthing and loading/unloading facilities.
  • Freeport LNG would implement its dredging plan to minimize impacts on in-water resources and implement the use of Freeport LNG’s procedures to minimize construction impacts on soils, wetlands and waterbodies. Freeport LNG would use the horizontal directional drill method to minimize impacts on wetlands and waterways.
  • Adequate safety features would be incorporated into the design and operation of the projects.
  • The Pipeline/Utility Line System follows the existing sendout pipeline and would be contained within the already disturbed right-of-way.
  • The projects would have no effect or would be not likely to adversely affect any federally or state-listed threatened or endangered species.
  • Air emissions from the projects would not exceed the National Ambient Air Quality Standards, and noise and vibration impacts would be minimized as much as practicable.
  • The FERC’s environmental and engineering inspection and mitigation monitoring program for the projects would ensure compliance with all mitigation measures and conditions of any FERC Authorization.
