The White House has released the National Maritime Cybersecurity Plan for the National Strategy for Maritime Security (NSMS).

The plan integrates cybersecurity into the NSMS’s principles of: (1) freedom of the seas; (2) facilitation and defense of commerce to ensure the uninterrupted flow of shipping and; (3) facilitation of the movement of desirable goods and people across our borders, while screening out dangerous people and material.

The plan unifies maritime cybersecurity resources, stakeholders, and initiatives, aggressively mitigating current and near-term maritime cyberspace threats and vulnerabilities and complements the NSMS’ seven supporting plans. The plan identifies federal government priority actions to close maritime cybersecurity gaps and vulnerabilities over the next five years.

The plan’s priority actions will evolve as the public sector, private sector, and international partners mature maritime cybersecurity cooperation and initiatives. The National Security Council (NSC) staff, through the NSC policy coordination process, will periodically convene departments and agencies to review progress toward executing the priority actions. Reassessment of this plan will occur at least once every five years and it may be revised and/or updated through the policy coordination committee process. 
